Nathan N. Evans

How Do I Get a Family Based Green Card?

Essentially there are two main classes of family based green cards. The first class is immediate relatives and includes spouses, unmarried minor children, and parents of U.S. citizens. There are no quotas for this class and no time limits beyond the time needed to process the application. On the other hand, preference categories, the second […]

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Traffic Court: Difference Between Disposition Court and District Court

This article will explain the difference between Disposition Court and District Court in Traffic Court. For many who have received a traffic citation, this will be their first experience into the Criminal Justice System. Some find this experience intimidating for many reasons; being charged with a crime, facing a judge, the use of ‘legalese,’ etc. […]

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Internet Crimes: Definition and Penalties

An internet crime, or cybercrime, refers to any illegal practice that involves the use of a computer or network, or targets a computer or network. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, their key priorities in regards to cybercrimes are: computer intrusion, online predators, piracy, and fraud. Computer intrusion costs individuals and companies billions of […]

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US Immigration From 1850 to Today

US Immigration from 1850 to Today While the United States has undergone a Constitution-mandated census every ten years since 1790, it was not until 1850 that the census began taking into account the immigrant status of interviewed individuals. Looking at the statistics from the past 160 years, a few interesting facts emerge. An Overview The […]

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Legal Law Web

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Nunc molestie ullamcorper volutpat. Praesent elementum auctor pellentesque.