How to Make a Worker’s Compensation Claim

The last thing you’re thinking of when you begin the work day is the possibility of becoming injured on the job. Indeed, if much of your 9-to-5 schedule is spent in an office you are at a lower risk than somebody who works in a warehouse or in a cherry picker while repairing phone lines. Nonetheless, should you become injured it is important to know what to do so that you may receive Worker’s Compensation if you are eligible. Filing a claim with this program, if your employer has enrolled in it, can get you financial compensation to help cover bills and other expenses. It’s just a matter of filing the claim.

So let’s say you have become hurt while working – either falling off a ladder or cutting yourself on some active machinery. Your employer needs to be notified immediately of the incident while you receive first aid. If the injury is too severe for a simple bandage, you will likely go to the emergency room or to a doctor approved by your employer’s program.

Your employer, meanwhile, must keep detailed records of your accident history – everything from the state of your injury to statements from people who witnessed it. All the paperwork will be collected by Human Resources to prepare for filing a Worker’s Comp claim if it is applicable in your case. If you find your injury prevents you from returning immediately to work, there is a good chance you could receive compensation.

To start the process, make sure you have all the information about your accident from your place of work, plus what information is available on the employer’s enrollment in Worker’s Comp. There should be a first report of injury filled out after your accident, plus a request for paid leave if you are not able to return immediately. When you see a doctor approved by the program, he or she will fill out a form specifying when you will be able to return to work.

When your claim is filed, you will then wait to hear about your compensation. Worker’s Comp programs vary according to state, so what you may end up receiving will depend on the severity of your accident and your current state of health. Remember, too, that in most cases only full-time employees are eligible to file claims – if you are a temp worker you may not be covered. If you are unsure about eligibility, talk to somebody in your Human Resources department.

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