Nathan N. Evans

Ladder Fall Claims

There are a number of careers and occupations that pose a greater risk of accidents occuring than others, for example working in an office presents minimal risks of injury compared to working on a building or construction site. Many manual labour occupations require at times working on a ladder a height and when something goes […]

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How to Write Compelling Appeals Against Unfair UK Parking Tickets

Not all UK parking tickets are incorrectly issued. But many are. Research shows that of the cases that end up at independent adjudication almost two thirds are quashed. But very few recipients of these unwanted fines go this far. Many no doubt because they accept their culpability for parking illegally. Nonetheless there are also hundreds […]

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Changing Your Maintenance or Spousal Support Obligations in Colorado

If there is one constant in life, it is that life always changes. Layoffs, retirement, career changes, remarriage, changes with an aging parent, or illness-all of these can have an impact on how you live your life-and how you manage your financial obligations. For divorced couples and parents, these changes are further complicated because of […]

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You Own the Copyright

Avoiding Stock Photo Servitude… Will the new-on-the-scene large corporate market-driven stock photo houses treat photographers and their photos as commodities? History tells us the answer could very well be yes. Take the example of the cartoon syndicates established in the 1920’s under the guidance of newspaper king, William Randolph Hearst. He first introduced the concept […]

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Legal Law Web

Mauris efficitur faucibus libero non ullamcorper. Nam vehicula, nunc vel placerat gravida, nisi sem pulvinar urna, vitae elementum ligula augue at ligula. Cras convallis ex eu diam bibendum elementum.

Nunc molestie ullamcorper volutpat. Praesent elementum auctor pellentesque.